Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Camping fun!

Had a blast camping with Derrick's brother and wife and their dog. We had a lot of fun! We picked up Derrick's  grandparents canoe and strapped it onto the top of our truck and off we went to somewhere South-East of Evanston WY! We made a mistake of canoeing to the other side of the resevoir and getting out. Well the ground was so wet we sank to our hips in mud and could not move. We could not even get back into the canoe. It was very painful, at one point I sat in the mud, with no shoes, and started to cry. Pour Derrick was trying to help me but he was having the same problem. We eventually crawled to safety! NEVER AGAIN! We had fun cooking dutch over. I am normally with my parents when I dutch oven cook, so it was fun to do it all by myself! Cannot guarantee that everything was perfect! Non-the-less enjoyed the weekend!

My talented hubby, his version of side walk chalk drawing! 

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