Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back to Reality....

I am finally back in school from a long amazing summer, with no regrets! I worked in the Grand Teton National Park at the Jackson Lake Lodge. I was able to have the time of my life; bouldering, hiking, camping, white water rafting, swimming, exploring caves, bear searching. You name it, I probably was able to do it! I did work in between all of the above! Most of all I fell in love, sounds wierd but I spent everyday with him for four months. I have dated alot and had several boy friends but I can honestly I had never fallen in love until I met Derrick. He made the whole summer worth it! He helped me to see another side of life, always made me laugh and loved me for who I am, which seems hard in this world to find. The hardest thing for me to do was leave him in Wyoming and come back to school. After all is said and done because of the different paths in life we are taking, he called it all off. I have never felt so heart broken and still feel it. How does one get over that, I can only come up with... time. I have always heard of the saying, ' when one door closes another will open' but the second part to this saying really hit hard. 'if we stand staring at the closed door we will miss the opened one.' I will not say that our paths will never cross again but for the time being we have gone our seperate ways. I have no hard feelings and hate for him, wierd to say I actually pray that he will find happiness and find what he is looking for. I am occupied with 18 credit hours at school and nearly working 40 hrs a week with 3 jobs. That alone will keep mebusy. I finally moved out into my own place! Something I knew I was suppose to do but could not for the life of me figure out how I was to afford it. I got my place and had the faith that the Lord would provide and last night I was offererd another job! I know God knows me and what I am going through, He does! That alone gives me hope to keep on going!

1 comment:

Blondmom said...

Muah love ya babe... I know what your feelin...I love you..IF ya wanna talk give me a call...xoxo laura