Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wow another week has gone by.... and I have written nothing. WEll I am down at my sisters again. hopping between two houses. I tended my nieces and nephews last night at Cathryn's and I am helping Lynda clean her house before Thanksgiving guests come. I know it is early but I don't have another day off before thanksgiving. I am also putting some of those interior design classes to good use by helping her arrange things and decorate. It has been fun! School has been manageable. I am stressing this next week though. I have a test Monday-Tuesday (i can choose which day to take it) but I am working full time this next week. No time to study or prepare. I am going to have to figure something out! Still loving work but man with the Holidays coming the Book store is getting busier and busier! ohh I read a wonderful book last night, I started and couldn't put it down. I think I am going to start blogging about the books I read! Everyone should read them too!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
I am glad that I stayed an extra night at my sisters! It was so fun, we made cinnamon-sugar monkey bread for the kids. It was more fun to make it with my sister then actually eating it. We laughed so hard about so many things! My nephew so graciously shared his bed with me, or it would have been the floor for me! I left early and really loved paying $2.03 for gas on the out of town. I had a math test tonight, didn't feel i did really well...... c's get degrees! oh, and before i left my sisters my nephew called from school and said he need new clothes because his were all wet. Since my sister was at work i took dry clothes to his class... he had only been at school for less then 45 min. I found out he had been jumping in the puddles so he could be like a duck. I couldn't help but laugh. he is only in kindergarten and before I left I made him promise not to jump in any more today!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Relief Society Retreat

Well last night was really fun! I was hoping for more girls to come but the girls that did come had a really neat night! We got to spend a lot of time with our bishoprics wives and get to know them more personally! We learned valuable lessons that are going to help us throughout the rest of our lives! I love the Relief Society Organization! The tables that I decorated turned out cuter then i could had hoped for! Yesterday I also surprised my dad and his students for his birthday!! Happy Birthday DAD!! Today after work I came to my sisters house and found my niece Allyson in a basket of socks so my sister Cathryn could keep track of her! We are going to JCpenny's today to get her pictures taken, she is 7 months old!!
Friday, November 7, 2008

Wow, just constantly on the go... it is draining. I submitted my last paper this morning, not for the rest of the semester just for what is due today. I wanted my dad to correct the grammical errors before I sent it off. I made these cute tile magnets for the Relief Society Retreat tonight! It is going to be so much fun. My friend Katelyn and I drove all of the food up there and everything we are going to need last night! It is going to be a BLAST!! Here is a picture of the magnets. OH today is a big day in HS football. We are playing a really tough school, it is quarter finals. I hope we win. We have home court advantage because we are regional champs and they are not their regional champs. I won't be able to stay for the whole game:(
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I still love work!! Today I pretty much continued to drool over all of the books that I would like for my collection! I absolutely want to buy the DVD collection of Love Comes Softly. There are 6 altogether! We have an employee discount day coming up and I am going to get them all! After work I headed on my way to math tutoring before my math class starts. Tutoring is a must for me, and it is FREE!! I actually go twice a week just to ensue that I am understanding everything, well pretty much to pass the stupid class too! At school I ran into our school mascot! I stopped him.. her... it!! and had to get a picture so I could use my new micro sd card and it adjoining adapter! Got to love that!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Today was such a long, long, long, day! I am afraid they are only going to get longer... I have been training for work but today was my first day actually working with customers! I love working at a book store! I get to drool over all of the book that I wish I had in my collection! AND the one of the perks... I get to read one of my favorite authors book before it hits the stands! YIPPIE!! when.. I am not sure. School is draining and I am slightly behind. I am actually really overwhelmed. I also have this relief society over-night retreat that is Friday. I planned it all and am making everything for it and putting it all on. I went grocery shopping for it last night! WE are going to have a blast if i make it to Friday. I pretty much work go to school, go to after school programs and possibly do homework... SLEEP, it is all over rated. But such is life! Oh and two papers for school are due Thursday and I have yet to write them... They are the least of my problems. Live is just great!..
~just another college student
~just another college student
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Wow times just flies by... I am going crazy! Well the poor college student had to get a job. I worked all summer and saved money trying to focus more on school.... but the time has come where i am forced to get a job. I am working at a book store. This will be heaven on earth! Not really sure if it is a good idea because i LOVE to read book. I wonder if I will get a pay check.. or will i spend it on books... whatever no worries! Well I went to out football game. WE are first in the region and this was the first of possibly four play off games. WE WON 50-14! Next week we will play a really tough team! but we are up for the challenge! the picture is of my 'big little brother' Landon... but I call him LANDO!! He was all sweaty and tried to give me a hug... I squealed and settled for a picture!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Well I am super tired! I stayed up way late babysitting a 17year old. Her mom wanted to make sure she stayed out of trouble while they were gone! So the reason i stayed up way late is because she had homework and i wanted to make sure she actually went to bed but at midnight decided to turn in, and I went to bed! I left early this morning before she was up and and then I went back over and made sure she got out of bed.... she missed 1st hr and I got her off to school to hit 2nd. What can ya do? Well tonight the TROJANS play against our biggest rivalry.. bear river. WE should wamp on them, they are not doing so good this year anyways!! Well the reason I still follow my high school football team, my good friends Jana's son plays on the team. He is AWESOME like 6ft and 250lbs... big boy and Lando is like my little brother!! It will be a cold game tonight though!! I have to get some chores done before I head off to school!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Yippe!! Trojans won against the Grizzlies!! First time ever! 28-21! Tough game for both teams! To my surprise today, I got up at the crack of dawn.. for a saturday, 7:45 for an 8am appointment. As I was sitting in the chair I noticed snow flurries!! WHAT! It is too early for snow flurries! Our trees havn't even lost the leaves yet, and with the snow on top of that it is going to break all the branches... Anyways I rushed home and realize that we havn't finished harvesting the garden! We still have hundreds of tomatoes! So I ran inside and got my Aunt and together we picked tomatoes and cabbage and pumpkins for a good hour and our fingers were so numb by the time we came in!! When you are super cold, stevens hot coco hits the spot! And we have to coolest coco-latte maker!!! LIFE SAVER!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Another day and a life of a college student!! One day hopefully my blogspot will look as cute as wendy's and christy's! I love my kids! ok they are really not mine but I love the kids I work with! I read stories with students at a local elementary school that is close to my house! It is a before school activity and it requires that I really get out of bed three days a week!! I always look forward to this!! They don't even care if I sing off-tune!! :) And then I also work with the students of my dad's 5th grade class!! These students need more attention and love!! I am willing to give it!! Tonight I am off to a football game! I am a big supporter of the small home town high school football team!! We are going to have to travel 1 1/2 hours to get there! I am told it is suppose to be FREEZING!! I am not used to layering with real clothes!! SOunds funny but the last two winters have been spent in a skirt! ONe can always put on another layer... but pants.... they are lucky to go on by themselves, let alone more layers! It will be fun! GO TROJANS!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
This is my first time blogging... not sure really what I am doing! Any advice let me know!! What all do you even include in a blog? I guess it will all come with time! Well life is crazy as a college student. I rarely find time to do things that I want, but for now I am going to have to suck it up and bare through it all. College really is only a short amount of time compared with the whole scheme of life. And as you read my blog, I do not claim to really know how to spell! Just pretend you know what I am trying to write!
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