Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New appreciation for mothers!

My night class was cancelled today so after my 4 morning classes I went to work with Amy. Amy had a doctors apt so I went with the mom and the three girls. Oh my gosh, loading Amy up in the van with her machines was a chore all in of its self without trying to get the baby and three year old. I came early to work and Im really glad I did, not sure how she would have pulled it off herself but knowing her she would have. In the doctors apt. the baby was hungry and needed mom to feed, nurses and poking and prodding at Amy, the 3yr old is falling asleep in my lap. During all of this the nurses asked us to change rooms.... Serious... I just stared at them. Amy's mom said oh, ok. So well all did! It really wasn't that easy in case anyone was curious. Amy was out of her chair with all the machines too.... All is well we made it home safe and sound. I worked a lot later then I had planned but it was needed! I wonder how moms are super heroes... it must come with the packaged deal! i seriously appreciate my mom more and tons of other moms!

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