Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Girls Night Out!

Here is Jessica, Me, and Rachel! Girls Night Out for Sushi! We had so much fun, we are going to make it a monthly outing! and the Sushi was amazing! I tried Eel sauce tonight which I am not sure why nobody ever told me about before! I normally mix soy sauce with wisabi. Yea I have been converted to Eel sauce! It is so important to get out and do things... I have needed this so much and I have not laughed so hard in so long...

So an a different note, at work today, Amy's G-tube came out... It was interesting to learn how to put it back in and eye opening... And pretty much gross.... when stomach fluid was coming out her stomach onto the couch, yea it kind of freaked me out. But you do what you have to do. I was able to insert it back in and learn how to care for it. Wow things I never thought I would have to learn or do in my whole life. I love Amy and her wonderful family, they are so patient with me!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Not really a C...

So on my phys test I took last week there were four essay questions and the test worth 100 pts. I could not remember the exact three words the question was looking for. My luck this question was worth 30 pts. In the lines provided I explained to the teacher that I was a little confused by the question but I was going to give it a shot. I thought it was a long shot but decided to try anyways. I left the testing center discouraged because I need an A in this class, I have to maintain a B average to keep my job at the university. I knew I would receive at least a C on the test if I got all the others correct. I received the test back today with a 97/100. He gave me almost all the points!! But docked three pts because I didn't know the specific three words he was looking for. OH MY GOSH!! I almost started crying! Im grateful for an understanding teacher!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Top 10 uneventful things in the last week...

#1 I got C's on both of my tests this last week.... could be worse but could be better.
#2 Said goodbye to someone I love for good.... super hard but it was needed!
#3 Went to a sleepover with the YSA, we slept in an amazing cabin that was nicer then my house.
#4 Sent up a Sushi girls night out for Wednesday!
#4 Was late to work this morning for the first time:(
#5 Fed Amy her first oral food in over a year!
#6 Was able to move my desk in and got a new printer... no conecting cord to computer yet.
#7 Slept over at a different nieghbors house Saturday night.. still no bed at home.
#8 Found out my parents are taking me to Kentucky with them this friday!
#9 Moved my fishies to my new place... they are happy!
#10 Got another parking ticket on campus... both are my moms fault!
and #11 I know I said only 10 but I just wanted to add that I have the most amazing friends in the world who help and support me in more ways then I even know!! God has blessed me with them!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I feel like a hypocrite.....

I mean it is not a big deal, but in my child development class there are these girls that talk the whole time and it is super annoying cause I can't hear the lecture the whole time! and not just me is being bothered by it.... so I talked to the professor and he is going to say something.. so tonight in my history class I had about all I could take of school, this is my 5 class of the day and I also worked hmmm 4 1/2 hours... I started talking to the girl next to me about the education classes and so we talked through the class.. afterward I felt like the biggest hypocrite of the world! I am going to be more careful and so not talk even if it is related to the class topic....
My days are long and now I am attempting to do homework.. hmmm I bet you can see how well that is going!

Monday, September 14, 2009

An afternoon alone with Amy

It was a good experience today. Amy is home from the hospital and Amy's mom left me alone with her, my first time alone with her. She asked me if I felt comfortable and I said yes. I think Amy has had better days... I have a monitor that watches her heart rate and oxygen levels and it will beep if they go out of wack. Today her oxygen level dropped so low that I was in a panic to get it up and get oxygen in her. And this afternoon her heart rate went really high. She just had surgery so I gave her pain meds, and tried to move her to a different location to make her comfortable. It worked and I was relieved! I love working in this home! While her mom was away I turned on my ipod and blared the music from the little ear buds so we could barley hear the music! She smiled the whole time the music was on! and I sang too, not sure if that made her sad or happy! She loves to listen to music!
SO this weekend I so should have done homework but I didn't, I still want my Saturdays to myself but I have come to realize that I can't have them all alone. I have so much due tomorrow that I am going to suffer for my lack of homework doing:( It will all be done!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hair cut ideas!?

So I had not straightened my hair for about 4 months... too much effort, WOW I had no idea my hair was to my waist, my mom said she needed a picture. Once I saw the picture, I realized I need a serious hair cut! I am looking for ideas of lenghts and styles!! ANY IDEAS!!? Going to donate to Locks for Loves!

one of those days

I think we all have those days where tears are close to the surface.... not really for any one particular reason but all of the above. I am so confused on what I am suppose to be doing in life... the long term is not a big deal, but here and now, how do I get there? I was feed by the good word of God and that helped out a lot. So many questions and sometimes not enough answers!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


I got little sleep at the neighbors, we started a movie at 1am... nothing great to mention though. Just fun hanging out with the girls!! I love girl time! Today my mom wanted me to go to IKEA with her.. that was an excursion that I was not ready for! I was so tired when I got home, I took a nap and did not go to the ward activity! Thinking I am going back to the neighbors tonight to sleep the recliner will give me a back ache! BYU won today... YIPPIE....

Friday, September 11, 2009

A day of cleaning....

I realized that cleaning is therapeutic for me. It is a relaxer, OK so maybe not nine hours of it in a row. Amy was taken in the Ambulance last night to the hospital, she is in PICU tonight. i hope she gets better soon! I miss her! I did not get to help her today, just a long day of cleaning! I wanted it to look and feel good when they got home so her mom could be at ease with the house and not worry about it!
I went home for the weekend! But realized that i have no bed, well the bed is there but no way to get to it:( I called my friend and at 10pm and asked if I could come sleep over! I love her family, the same family that has 5 girls and the youngest was baptized last week.
I went to Landon's football game... the played HORRIBLE!! no joke... it was the 4th quarter and we did not even have a touch down... so when they finally showed up for the game I was about to yell... " GLAD YOU COULD SHOW UP BOYS!" but I sat in the paid seasonal seating and parents were all around... I am sure they would have clobbered me!! WE won by 1 pt in overtime!! WAHOO!! Not sure we deserved to win but luck is luck! The other team played really well! I yelled so loud that my throat is sore! After the game Landon's dad made us yummy yummy omlets! hmmm

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Day for Caring

Here in Utah today was dedicated to 'A Day of Caring' sponsord by the United Way. After helping Amy this morning, I want down to our local homeless shelter and sorted canned goods. Wow they had huge bins like 4 1/2 feet cubed bins and they were all overflowing with cans. Our job was to sort them to specific crates. Like even down to certain soups; tomato, chicken noodle.... I was pretty much the sorter and then one would bring me food and others would put away what I sorted! I could keep five people with jobs. A very fast moving job. I did that for 4 hours straight and it was so much fun! It was hot and it just felt good to be doing this for someone else. Sometimes I am in the 'ME' stage of life! I try not to focus on me all of the time but it happens. I forfeited morning classes to stay there. I was there with Americorps and the Community Involvement Center at school! I was so dirty that you could see dirt lines on my face and pretty much everywhere else! I ran home before I had to go back to school and work..... only to find my water in my apt not working... I had already stripped down... GREAT!! I had to take a shower!! Could not go anywhere like this! I called my employer and asked if I could use their shower, so I went over in my robe and used their shower! FRUSTRATING!! I already feel like I live there 24/7 and I am sure they do too! But they are a wonderful family! I guess the newspaper came and took pictures of us sorting... I didn't pay attention to the camera so I hope they do not post any pictures of me in the paper!!! I looked scary too!! Looking forward to a good weekend!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

LONG Days...

Wow what I long day, I feel that time is flying by so fast, I have no idea what to do, not sure how to even catch up or hold on. I feel I run from one thing to next with never taking a breather. Not complaining life has no other choice right now. I prayed that I would be able to keep my mind occupied with other things and it is working out nicely! I do give myself Friday night, Saturday and Sunday! NO work and school work, most of the time! I finally have a paper done for my interview to get into the Education Program. All of my stuff is almost ready it all has to be ready in a week and then interviews are soon to follow! PRESSURE!!! HAPPY 09/09/09!!:)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New appreciation for mothers!

My night class was cancelled today so after my 4 morning classes I went to work with Amy. Amy had a doctors apt so I went with the mom and the three girls. Oh my gosh, loading Amy up in the van with her machines was a chore all in of its self without trying to get the baby and three year old. I came early to work and Im really glad I did, not sure how she would have pulled it off herself but knowing her she would have. In the doctors apt. the baby was hungry and needed mom to feed, nurses and poking and prodding at Amy, the 3yr old is falling asleep in my lap. During all of this the nurses asked us to change rooms.... Serious... I just stared at them. Amy's mom said oh, ok. So well all did! It really wasn't that easy in case anyone was curious. Amy was out of her chair with all the machines too.... All is well we made it home safe and sound. I worked a lot later then I had planned but it was needed! I wonder how moms are super heroes... it must come with the packaged deal! i seriously appreciate my mom more and tons of other moms!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Cars hate me!

So today I was getting ready for church and I had a friend who needed to borrow some crisco. On my way to church I stopped at my friends house grabbed the crisco and got out of the car. I heard the car beep when I opened the door and that is because I left the keys in the ignition, I knew that because I was only running to the door and coming back. I ran it up to the door and to my surprise when I got back to the car... it was locked! I ran up to their house and called Derrick for help, he was instructing me on how to get it open... he is a lock smith and really, I don't have the tools he does! My feet were burning on the hot asphalt because I took them off so I could run up to the door. SO lets recap, the keys are in the ignition, my spare is in the car too, I have no phone, my head lights are on, and I have no shoes on. How do things like this happen to me! The father of the family came outside to save me... and for once in my life I was going to be on time to church, I wasn't, nothing new then! I went to my home singles ward and will only be attending there a month. It is amazing to see why you are in a place for a short amount of time! I believe God puts in places and specific times for a reason!

Little brothers and sisters I claim!

First of all I had to take a test yeasterday for phys. This time I was prepared to write essays. Only had to write three and then a story about the constellations that they will read in class... While I was studying and doing my laundry I got a call from my friend Gaylene and she invited me to her youngest daughter's baptism. I love this family! I have been tending the kids for nine years going on 10. The oldest just went off to college. This doesn't age me one bit! Sammy is the youngest and so cute! When I walked into her baptism yesterday she got the biggest grin on her face and came up to me and gave me a hug!Ohhh that just made my day, so did all of her other sisters! These are the 5 little sisters I know I was suppose to have but God sent them to me by way of another family! It was so neat to see this little girl make a choice to follow Jesus Christ's example and to be baptised! She was all in white, signifying purity! She is such an example for me! I love her! Not only was it a very special day for her baptism it was her 8th birthday too!
After the baptism I went and visited another family that I love! They are so good to me! I went over and watched the BYU game! OH MY GOSH we won!! No joke, against Oklahoma... hmm and as I am typing this I thought of Christy.... sorry! I still am pretty excited though! We just upset college football! So Landon is one of the three boys in this family. He is like 6'2" and 260 lbs... The little brother I always wanted! sometimes.... he always beats on me! most of the time I have no fighting chance.. like last night! On several occasions I was pinned to the ground faster then I knew what was happening. One time I tickled him and got kicked in the kidney! and dropped on the floor at the same time! Oh but we love each other and fight like brothers and sisters!

Friday, September 4, 2009

WORK WORK and more WORK!

Today I worked for 11 hours... yes eleven.... a constant on the go 11 hours... well I did take a 45 min. break to finish an assignment that was due by monday. I am exhausted but something really excieted happened today! My mom knew I was bummed about not having internet at my new apartment. It has been really hard to get a whole lot done in the last few weeks for school because I don't have the internet! She walked into my work with some At&t internet USB drive thing.. Don't know what it is but I liked the sound of it.. And actually I am using the internet on it as I type! Pretty cool, I guess as long as there is phone service there is internet service where ever I go... This might be dangerous!! Life is good! YIPPIE I can blog from home now!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

friends are treasures!

Last night I had one of my best friends come into town and stay the night at my house! It was a fun time to reminisce but really to catch each other up from the last 3 years. We have been best friends for nearly 13 years. Although we have not lived near each other since we were 14, we still have kept in contact and normally would get together a few times a year! In the last 3 years we have both served missions for the LDS church and we overlapped just perfect. We love to call each other often and we tell each other everything! I love Friends like that! I think everyone should have them! Life is great, a little tired from staying up all night talking and laughing!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Challenges of Phones

Ok so pretty much everyone knows that I have daily problems with phones! NO JOKE!! They absolutly hate me. Last night my phone was not taking a charge and it died. I thought it was the phone charger, I ran to target and walmart to find a charger. It still will not take a charge. My phone is my only way of telling the time at home well anywhere! I had to therefore drive down the street at 9:30 at night to call my mom on a pay phone and ask her if she would help me out! She brought an old cell phone today to work...
I went to Family Home Evening with my new university ward. I knew a lot of people right away and I think I am going to really like it there! I have never been to a university ward before.. it has a different feeling.
I am frustrated because I do not have the internet at my house..... so I have to find a few mins at school to figure things out!
Today was my first day at work... well at this job, I am basically a home health care assistant. I work with a little girl named, well we will call her Amy for her privicy. This little girl is 7 years old. My job is to get her ready for school. I am following the mother around for a few days to learn. I have no idea how this mother does it... NO IDEA. She has a 9, 7, 3, and a brand new baby. Amy takes a full hour and a half to get ready for school. Her mom did everything with ease and love. I think I will learn a lot from this family. These will be memories that I will never forget!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Derrick and I before Grease started!

Day three....a bitter sweet ending!

Last night after the show I slept over at Shauna's. I left in the morning before she got up and went over to Derrick's to talk and say goodbye. Wow I had done really good the whole time of not crying but I could not help but sob. I miss him like crazy! And I didn't want to leave right then. Before I went up there I felt that this whole thing did not even phase him! I was wrong. I am so glad I went up there to clear the air. I looked into his eyes and I knew that he still loved me, I could feel it too. I could also see that he had a decision to make and it pained him because he knew what he needed to do. He asked what happens when your heart tells you one thing but you know what you need to do is another. I cried harder cause I knew what he was talking about. He told me how much he cared about me but he felt this is what he needed to do. I was reassured in his eyes and I believe him. I know we are on different paths right now and we need to take our own and not hold each other back, that does not mean they will not cross again but for now we have to do this. I told him I would be stupid to not have him as my best friend and I want to know what he is up to and hear about his struggles and want to be there when he needs someone to vent to! He he told me something very sweet back with the same reassurance. I left feeling better about the roles we will play in each others life. I made him a cd with songs that told our story! My only rule was for him to listen to the whole cd all the way through after I left. I titled the cd, Past Present Future. He made a bear that will sit on my desk and hold pencils. He carved it out of wood. I take back the saying the other day when I said I was embarrassed to have loved him so much! When I looked into his eyes I felt the feeling was mutual! People just don't come into your life like this and I know I can not let him go! I still love him..... Distance makes the heart grow fonder!

Alpine slide pics!

Derrick all ready to go down!

Me at the bottom of the slide! I went really fast and it was fun...

I may have screamed a little too!

Day 2..

Us on the lift up!

I slept in for a bit because I was super tired! Derrick and I went into town and went to a few of our favorite places that we enjoyed going to. We met up with Kimberly and Mike and went on the Alpine Slide!! A first for everything! It was a blast! Derrick pulled some strings and was able to get me into the play Grease with the rest of the logde! That was so much fun!

A road trip well worth it! and a little adventure... DAY 1

splattered mud on my car...

Well 5 hours on the road alone gives a girl a lot of time to think about... and that was one way. And the route I took has a lot shorter then I would have thought! Thanks to Brenda for the pointer to take that route!

Going up there I had worked myself up and I was actually a little frustrated at the situation, that is why I was planning on going up and getting my stuff then basically going home. But a lot of my friends tx me and called me and begged me to come up to the lodge. I came up with many excuses but all of them were solved before I got there, but still reluctant to go. When I met derrick at the park entrance, he gave me my stuff and we chatted for a bit. I asked if I could use his sticker to get in to go up to the lodge. I first visited with a really good friend Shauna, too bad Gabe was asleep but we snuck into the room and looked at him. Then I went and talked with rich and Kimberly. Derrick and I had a long good talk. here is the adventure part

Has anyone heard of the joke where this guy is sitting on a roof and in a flood, he is praying to God for help and people on a raft, boat, helicopter all stopped to help him and he told them, no My God is going to save me. Well he dies and when he meets St. Peter at the Pearly Gates he asked Peter why God didn't help him. Peter just said, "you stupid he sent three people to help you!" First of all Shauna asked me to stay the night on here spare bed, I told her no, I want to go camping for the last time. Then Derrick asks me to stay with Shauna but I told him no I want to go camping for the last time. On my way out I stopped by Liz's to ask if she would charge my phone for the night and she asked me to stay with her and I told her the same old story. Here I go, I had to camp in the National Forrest because it is free, well the only place to camp is about 20 miles off the main road in the middle of the forest. I actually started to get scared but by then I did have a choice of going back, realized I was almost out of gas, my phone charger broke on the way up there so I had no phone because I left it with Liz. At this time I thought of that joke and I I pray that God would forgive me for not listening to someone, anyone! The fun still kept going. I kind of was lost, I got stuck in a mud puddle and spun my tires there until I rocked myself loose, and it is about 11pm. I found a place to put up my tent but I had never put this tent up before. Long story short, It was a very long cold night that I did not sleep at all. I heard the wolves all night long. Once it was light enough that I felt not so scared, I packed up and went back to the lodge and knocked on Derricks door with my sleeping bag in hand to sleep on the floor.

Derrick wasn't too happy that I actually went by myself and I probably wouldn't do it again!

Friday, August 28, 2009

FIRST Test in school and more!

Well here I am ready to go up to Jackson, I have been givin a quicker route up to the lodge and I am going to put it to the test! I talked to Derrick for a long time last night and got the opportunity to ask any question I wanted. I feel better about the situation and I got a chance to explain to him why it hurt so bad, I finally figured it out. I have dated quite a few boys and have had several boy friends but never has a break- up hurt so much. Sounds really cheesy but it is true. I mean rejection hurts anybody, but Derrick was a first for several things. He was my first kiss, first guy I truly "fell in love" with, and actually the first guy I allowed myself to cry in front of. I am a very independent and self reliant person, and to allow myself to depend on someone emotionally and at a physical level and in the end get hurt, it stinks! I fell in love with who he was and almost embarrassed at how hard I "fell in love" with him. After all is said and done we are still friends to some degree. I need to put myself first and watch out for number one! Maybe at a later time I can be a better friend.
I took a my first test today, hmm I was thinking it would be a multi-choice exam but when I showed up it was really a 8 essay exam. I feel I studied adequate for the test and I am hoping I did just fine! I will soon find out! It just caught me off gaurd.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

First night in my apartment...

A night ago all my great neighbors (pretty much family) chipped in and helped me with a bed frame, dresser, and mattress! So I loaded my pick up truck and used like 20+ bungees to strap it all in. Yesterday my aunt showed up at my apt and helped me carry all of the above up the stairs and into my room! I went shopping last night for food and went back to my apt. and chilled. I have one roommate and right now we have our own room.... hmm i have come to realize that my apt is a place that just stores my roommates stuff.... have not seen her in there yet... she mentioned her boy friend in there somewhere when I talked t her all of one time... no worries, so my place is really quiet! Well when I went to bed last night I could not figure for the life of me why the room would get light and dark every few minutes, so I got up to pull the drapes over the window. While doing so, I saw a stop light out my window and realized that was what had been bugging me for an hour!! But all is well I had a nice sleep and because my phone was dead, I had no form of clock to get out of bed on time! But no worries only a few mins late for school!
I am going up to the Grand Tetons this weekend... some time between work, and a test due by sat. Anyways I need to get my camping gear from Derrick. I am doing really good about this whole thing, first day or so was hard not to talk or even tx him but school and work have kept me occupied! Actually didn't tx for 2 days.... doesn't seem long but when you think about not tx someone that you have everyday for 4 months... it is harder then you think! I did tx hm today to work out where and when we are to meet up to exchange the goods. I made Derrick a cd last night, I have named it Past Present Future... pretty much our relationship in a nutshell. I think music can express what what you feel emotionally better then one can say it! I love music and I know he does too, he'll understand it. While I am up in Jackson, after our short encounter, I am going camping one last time, waking up and taking one last hike. I'm saying goodbye one last time before I go home. The Tetons do hold a special place in my heart and always will! Not planning any trips up there in the near future, and really never actually been up there til I went up to work. So, it may be years before I make it up there again! I am in between classes right now.... school is good just keeping me really busy. I love it here and am glad this is finally my last semester before my program! Wish I were further done with my school but will never regret what I did in its place! LIfe is good, but on the go....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back to Reality....

I am finally back in school from a long amazing summer, with no regrets! I worked in the Grand Teton National Park at the Jackson Lake Lodge. I was able to have the time of my life; bouldering, hiking, camping, white water rafting, swimming, exploring caves, bear searching. You name it, I probably was able to do it! I did work in between all of the above! Most of all I fell in love, sounds wierd but I spent everyday with him for four months. I have dated alot and had several boy friends but I can honestly I had never fallen in love until I met Derrick. He made the whole summer worth it! He helped me to see another side of life, always made me laugh and loved me for who I am, which seems hard in this world to find. The hardest thing for me to do was leave him in Wyoming and come back to school. After all is said and done because of the different paths in life we are taking, he called it all off. I have never felt so heart broken and still feel it. How does one get over that, I can only come up with... time. I have always heard of the saying, ' when one door closes another will open' but the second part to this saying really hit hard. 'if we stand staring at the closed door we will miss the opened one.' I will not say that our paths will never cross again but for the time being we have gone our seperate ways. I have no hard feelings and hate for him, wierd to say I actually pray that he will find happiness and find what he is looking for. I am occupied with 18 credit hours at school and nearly working 40 hrs a week with 3 jobs. That alone will keep mebusy. I finally moved out into my own place! Something I knew I was suppose to do but could not for the life of me figure out how I was to afford it. I got my place and had the faith that the Lord would provide and last night I was offererd another job! I know God knows me and what I am going through, He does! That alone gives me hope to keep on going!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well comming back from a long vacation weekend and then having to prepare two weeks homework into one. I am prparing to leave this thursday for a 11 says.. YIPPIE, but I have to do double the work to get ready:( I realizede today that I am not going to Nebraska for Spring break:( I want to go so bad! SERIOUSLY!! I feel homesick! I miss the people! My mom is now is in charge of alternative spring break, so I am going to join her on that. We are going somewhere by seattle and participating in Habatat for humanity! I am really excieted! I wan to fly up there and spend sometime with a friend and then of course ride the bus home! Not sure if I can do that! I hope so, on a bus for like 24 hours with a break sleeping on a floor at either a gym or a church... not my idea of fun! BUt I think the bus ride would be so much fun!! Life is good! I hurt from the gym yeasterday!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


So that is the life of a college girl... so i am at my sisters (i seem to be here often!) but I normally will take the hour drive on sunday to go home! this week I decided to stay and go to my old singles ward. I went and really havn't been there for like 3 years.. new bishopric everything! but i recognized a lot of peeps! ANd this one guy (whom i asked the girl next to me his name earlier) came up to me and was like "Hey" i started to talk to him and then he asked "SO were you on the news this week" hmm what where the freak did that come from... i really wasn't. that was a little freaky, something clicked in my head I asked him if he went to the CES broadcast... that was the only TV i have been on lately. HE SAW AND RECOGNIZEED ME ON THERE!! wierd! but he is cute so I'll let him slide this time! At least he went! I really did know him when I was here before but couldn't remember his name! Well now I know... well see waht happens! I am going to an activity this friday at the ward!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

My last companion in the mission field came home a few weeks ago! Sister Keddington and I served on the Lincoln University Singles Ward. I was able yesteday to go and hear her speak and then join family and friends at her house afterwards to have dinner! It was so good to see her! I have to go to bed but I want to write a little more about her and in impact she had on me and the rest of my mission!

I was able to sing at the BYU Marriott Center to sing for the CES Fireside where the Prophet, President Monson spoke! What a neat experience! I also ran into a friend of mine from Nebraska! I love Alli, she was in the UNL ward but is from Omaha! I miss NE! And I guess many people from NE saw me on the broadcast!

Here we are listening to instruction before the broadcast starts!

Here we are practicing! We all had to wear pastels! And the funny thing was.... the choirs directors lined us up and seated us up there, but they did not recognize that we were in the wrong places until about 150 people were already seated. So the alto and sopranos were on the wrong side and the tenors and the bass were switched too. Because of the lack of time, they had to keep us that way! I had to laugh when he cued the Altos thinking they were the sopranos..

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Most of the family, there are some puking at the hotel and could not make it.

My Cute niece Allyson!
Awesome planes made this!

One of my favorite floats in the parade!

Sister Jenn and I waiting in line for It's a small world!
Dancing with CHip and Dale!

Oh I think this is by the Alice and Wonderland!

This is my nephew Robert and I!!

First of all HAPPY NEW YEAR! I had a really fun New Year! IT was spent in Disney Land with a few of my sisters. WE were all there for a family vacation! It was the first we had all gotten together and gone on a vacation since like 1986 and that really doesn't count because I was like one years old.... maybe not even that! A few of us flew in New Years eve and the rest flew in New Years DAy! My sister and I were dancing our hearts out, we actually got lost and ended up in this party, WHY not stay! Obviously we stayed out late and then we decided to go to the Rose Bowl Parade.... yea we had to be on the road by 4 am. My sister Jenn her husband Blair and I decided to not buy a hotel room for 2 1/2 hours so we all crammed into our rental SUV... a small one. I was freezing, but whatever! The Parade was AMAZING! No joke I LOVED IT! THe floats were spectacular! I loved all of the bands that marched! And I am looking forward to trying out for the marching band this fall! I posted some pictures of me, my family, disneyland.. you know the works! I really am not in a lot of pictures because I am the normally taking them! Well to sum up a fun trip, we had 28 of my immediate family and nearly 20 of us got the stomach FLU... YEp I was in the Hotel room for 2 days and then caught the plane to go home because I had school to get back to!