A night ago all my great neighbors (pretty much family) chipped in and helped me with a bed frame, dresser, and
mattress! So I loaded my pick up truck and used like 20+ bungees to strap it all in. Yesterday my aunt showed up at my apt and helped me carry all of the above up the stairs and into my room! I went shopping last night for food and went back to my apt. and chilled. I have one
roommate and right now we have our own room....
hmm i have come to realize that my apt is a place that just stores my
roommates stuff.... have not seen her in there yet... she mentioned her boy
friend in there somewhere when I talked t her all of one time... no worries, so my place is really quiet! Well when I went to bed last night I could not figure for the life of me why the room would get light and dark every few minutes, so I got up to pull the drapes over the window. While doing so, I saw a stop light out my window and realized that was what had been bugging me for an hour!! But all is well I had a nice sleep and because my phone was dead, I had no form of clock to get out of bed on time! But no worries only a few
mins late for school!
I am going up to the Grand Tetons this weekend... some time between work, and a test due by sat. Anyways I need to get my camping gear from Derrick. I am doing really good about this whole thing, first day or so was hard not to talk or even
tx him but school and work have kept me occupied! Actually
didn't tx for 2 days.... doesn't seem long but when you think about not
tx someone that you have everyday for 4 months... it is harder then you think! I did
tx hm today to work out where and when we are to meet up to exchange the goods. I made Derrick a
cd last night, I have named it Past Present Future... pretty much our relationship in a nutshell. I think music can express what what you feel emotionally better then one can say it! I love music and I know he does too, he'll understand it. While I am up in Jackson, after our short
encounter, I am going camping one last time, waking up and taking one last hike. I'm saying goodbye one last time before I go home. The
Tetons do hold a special place in my heart and always will! Not planning any trips up there in the near future, and really never actually been up there til I went up to work. So, it may be years before I make it up there again! I am in between classes right now.... school is good just keeping me really busy. I love it here and am glad this is finally my last semester before my program! Wish I were further done with my school but will never regret what I did in its place!
LIfe is good, but on the go....